Friday, February 6, 2009

Buster can tell we are close.

He thinks we are just on an extended trip to grandma and grandpas
house. This is the longest trip ever to go play with Gus and Bella.
He has been so patient. He enjoys sitting on my lap so He can see
everything. We are on I 90. Our last major highway


  1. I just tuned in this morning so I get to go the final 600 miles with you. Your trip sounds like a great adventure, especially since I'm not the one taking it - heehee. Bust is SOOOO cute!

    Lurking Liza - a "Lake Person"

  2. Yay! I'm so glad you guys made it safely! I didn't know you were going to be able to update every day until I checked your blog last night! lol. It has been very enjoyable to read. Well have a great time and good luck getting unpacked and settled in! Love you guys!!

  3. I enjoyed reading your blog, I alomst felt like I was there. The pics were great and I bet it will be something you will always remember. Glad you made it there!

